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Advantages of GridParity Modules


• Certified according to EN12600 for overhead mounting


• Resistant to extreme weather conditions (no micro cracks in backsheet, moisture can't enter modules)


• Long lifetime (life time +50 years, extended performance warranty of 30 years)


• Transparency / aesthetic design (no frame or backsheet foil)


• Outstanding low light performance (through anti-reflective nano-coating technology) 


• Lower module temperature -> higher output


• Low weight (12 kg/m2)


• Fire resistant (no hotspots, no melting backsheets -> glass doesn't burn)


• Remarkable stability (certified to withstand 2400 Pa wind load and 5400 Pa snow load)

car on module
no micro cracks

After 100 cycle bending test, no micro cracks observed

All GridParity modules are walkable and even a car can drive over our glass-glass modules without leaving a damage.

More about snow load for PV modules: 
Snow can exert considerable forces on the photovoltaic modules and the anchoring of the mounting device, which is why the snow load must be taken into account when planning and operating the photovoltaic system. Furthermore, yield losses can occur in winter if the snow covers the module surface over a long period of time.

Load capacity of the photovoltaic modules
The technical documentation of the solar modules contains information on the maximum load capacity of the photovoltaic modules. Usually, a maximum permissible surface pressure is specified in pascals, for example 5,400 pascals. This means that the surfaces of the modules may be loaded with a maximum of 5,400 Newton per square meter. One kilogram of snow causes a weight force of 9.81 Newtons. Since load capacity specifications are provided with tolerances anyway, there is no need to use a calculator. It is sufficient to divide the maximum pressure given in pascals by ten to obtain the maximum permissible snow load per square meter in kilograms. In this example, 540 kilograms of snow are likely to weigh on one square meter.

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Schneelast Deutschland

The problem is that snow changes its weight over time. This happens on the one hand through the absorption of moisture and on the other hand through the compression of the snow by its own weight. Dry powder snow that has just fallen does not pose a danger to photovoltaic modules. A snow height of one meter corresponds to a load of just about 50 to 60 kilograms per square meter. This changes dramatically when the snow becomes wet and compacted. Under these circumstances, the weight can increase approximately tenfold.

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